
self employed mortgage

How is Self-Employed Income Calculated for a Mortgage?

Securing a mortgage as a self-employed person might seem complex, but understanding how your income is calculated can clarify it. Mortgage lenders in the UK have criteria for working out the income figures used to determine your borrowing capacity.  In this guide, we’ll break down the key factors that lenders consider. 1. Documentation is Key […]

How is Self-Employed Income Calculated for a Mortgage? Read More »

can't pay mortgage

What Happens if I Can’t Pay My Mortgage?

If you’re facing difficulty making your mortgage payments, it is important to contact your lender promptly. The sooner you inform them of your situation, the sooner they can advise you of your options. Before contacting your mortgage lender, have as much information to hand as possible about your income and outgoings. You should be prepared

What Happens if I Can’t Pay My Mortgage? Read More »

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